Hey, I'm Dachary Carey

Tech Writer, Programmer, Coffee Enthusiast

Hey, I'm Dachary Carey
I wrote a… best-selling iOS app?

I wrote a… best-selling iOS app?

I which I am amazed to wake up and see my app leading sales in its category.

I wrote an iOS app!

I wrote an iOS app!

In which I write an iOS app to track RPG playthrough details.

CLI tool version complications

CLI tool version complications

In which I attempt to debug a CLI thing and find out I made an assumption.

Docs-as-code workflow: the missing link; a collaboration tool

Docs-as-code workflow: the missing link; a collaboration tool

In which I wax poetic about the value of previewing a docs-as-code site.

Learning to code: redux

Learning to code: redux

In which I complete a beginner programming class - in Python!

What does coffee taste like?

What does coffee taste like?

In which I ramble about why I love good coffee, and how you can learn to love it, too.

My social media withdrawal experiment

My social media withdrawal experiment

In which I talk about why I took a hiatus from social media, and how awesome it is.

How home automation has made me a more productive remote employee

How home automation has made me a more productive remote employee

In which I dive into how home automation helps us move through our days.

My vacation rafting misadventure

My vacation rafting misadventure

In which I accidentally body-surfed a Class V rapid and things looked real grim.